- To collect mussel growth data from various coastal sites in the western Baltic Sea.
- To model potential growth of mussels and upscale to national scale.
- To develop a common practice for multi-criteria site selection of future mussel farming.
- To provide a short review of currently used site selection methods for mussel farming in the Baltic Sea region.
Modelling of the growth potential of mussel cultures along the coastlines
The production potential of mussel farming will be assessed in relevant coastal sites using a DEB model for prediction of mussel biomass and verified against data collected from existing farms and new deployments of test production lines (WP3). Results will be analysed in relation to physical parameters (mean salinity and seasonal variability, temperature, currents, residence time, bathymetric depth), food availability and eutrophication level. By using a spatial (GIS) model the results will be extrapolated to national scales to find new potential areas with best growing conditions or maximal effects on water quality. In Greifswald Bay, field data on mussel settling and growth patterns of subspecies/hybrids will together with existing GIS maps be used to choose the location of the test farm.
Provide multi-criteria optimal site selections of mussel farming as input to marine spatial planning
GIS and modelled growth potential of mussel culture, together with available data on multiple conflicting interests and physical, biological and legal aspects of the site will be used to develop a common practice for site-selection processes of mussel farming in the Baltic Sea region and provide maps of multi-criteria site suitability for mussel farming including a checklist for the most important aspects for site selection both from farming (practical, economical, growth etc.) and social (social acceptance) aspects and of the main spatial conflicts (navigation, energy etc.) for use in marine spatial planning.
Partners involved
- University of Gothenburg
- Aarhus University
- Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research
- Technical University of Denmark